Linguainfo believes business and social responsibility should go hand in hand.CSR is meant to be the bridge between companies and the community. For starters, businesses can help a lot by proactively producing and labeling animal-friendly products. Many makers of health and beauty products have voluntarily stopped testing on animals or using animal products. Restaurants can refuse to carry products like veal and foie gras, which are produced using some of the most horrific practices in animal agriculture. Many clothing retailers and designers refuse to sell or design fur. These are all animal-friendly decisions that businesses are in a position to make in advance of legislative remedies to these abuses, which tend to lag behind public sentiment. It is impossible for the government to bring about change as the needs are so many. We admire the role played by animal NGO's and shelters in rescuing, rehabitating and re-homing the abandoned, sick , injured animal. NGOs have the focus, know-how, strategic thinking, and commitment but they need the financial strength to enable widespread social transformation. Partnerships between corporations, NGOs and the government will speed everything up.
An Animal amicable CSR could incorporate:
To be the biggest and the Best Translation Company in India with strong presence in all major cities across the Globe. We are committed to a culture that promotes strong business ethics at all levels, while delivering quality services at the most competitive costs, thereby ensuring value to our clients. We are equally committed to transparency in thoughts, actions and dealings with our vendors and employees.
Delivering best-in-class Translation services has been our mission.